Magdalena Kreinecker works as a visual artist in Vienna. She studied Fine Arts, Graphics and Printmaking at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and at AKI ArtEZ in the Netherlands.
She is particularly interested in printmaking as a form in which her work follows an algorithmic logic of transformation. She moves between analog and digital processes in a technical sanctuary, creating and negotiating subtle and detailed interstices and contradictions. Whether etched in copper, scraped out of wood or linoleum, or woven into paper, the process itself is tactile and material-based. The unexpected material properties are explored in terms of their origin, meaning, and symbolic tradition, and are then associatively interwoven with found, drawn, and manipulated image material. Image-making in a time when ‘images’ are disseminated, moved, or processed with greater speed and intensity than ever revolves around the realms of speculation and opacity.
Through this blurred lens, she creates associative spatial installations and predominantly analog, large- and small-format prints derived from digital sources. Essentially, concepts such as time, resource distribution, protection, probability, memory, and the very nature of the image are the subject of her analysis: Like in print, Kreineckers interest in the spatial dimension of her work is driven by profound curiosity and a desire to connect seemingly unnatural elements in unexpected ways. The technical aspect of her work is an inevitable substance of her artistic practice. She often sees herself as a mechanic who layers and arranges copies by endlessly repeating and transforming the same thing over and over again.
Since June 2020, she has been working together with Anna Kreinecker on kreineckers, a project in which they produce wearable objects as original graphic and limited editions.
Since October 2022 Magdalena has been teaching several courses in the field of Print and Publishing (Screen Print, Intaglio) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Since July 2023 she curates the Artist-run-space “1zwei3” in Vienna together with Theresa Hattinger and Amelie Bachfischer.
She is particularly interested in printmaking as a form in which her work follows an algorithmic logic of transformation. She moves between analog and digital processes in a technical sanctuary, creating and negotiating subtle and detailed interstices and contradictions. Whether etched in copper, scraped out of wood or linoleum, or woven into paper, the process itself is tactile and material-based. The unexpected material properties are explored in terms of their origin, meaning, and symbolic tradition, and are then associatively interwoven with found, drawn, and manipulated image material. Image-making in a time when ‘images’ are disseminated, moved, or processed with greater speed and intensity than ever revolves around the realms of speculation and opacity.
Through this blurred lens, she creates associative spatial installations and predominantly analog, large- and small-format prints derived from digital sources. Essentially, concepts such as time, resource distribution, protection, probability, memory, and the very nature of the image are the subject of her analysis: Like in print, Kreineckers interest in the spatial dimension of her work is driven by profound curiosity and a desire to connect seemingly unnatural elements in unexpected ways. The technical aspect of her work is an inevitable substance of her artistic practice. She often sees herself as a mechanic who layers and arranges copies by endlessly repeating and transforming the same thing over and over again.
Since June 2020, she has been working together with Anna Kreinecker on kreineckers, a project in which they produce wearable objects as original graphic and limited editions.
Since October 2022 Magdalena has been teaching several courses in the field of Print and Publishing (Screen Print, Intaglio) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Since July 2023 she curates the Artist-run-space “1zwei3” in Vienna together with Theresa Hattinger and Amelie Bachfischer.
March Brooklyn Fine Art Print Fair with Viadukt Vienna, Powerhouse Arts Brooklyn, US
May Kunstverein Augsburg Duo Show with Julia Haugeneder, Augsburg, DE
May Artist Run Fair Brussels, Willie Willie with 1zwei3, Brussels, BE
2024 (duo) go to work on an egg (with Julia Haugeneder), Neue Galerie Graz Studio, AT
2023 (duo) As Soon As the Sun Sets (with Anna Raczynska), Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin, DE
2022 (solo) Enter Art Fair, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Copenhagen, DK
2022 (solo) Dunkelblau riecht salzig, gelb schmeckt bitter, curated by Steffi Parlow,
Restaurant Kommod - Vienna, AT
2021 (solo) I Have Learned the Answer Several Times, At the printing Table, Viadukt - Vienna, AT
2021 (solo) Only Time, tart.vienna, Galerie Elisabeth und Klaus Thoman - Vienna, AT
2019 (duo) Passing Through Sweet Dark Places (with Marie Reichel), MUSA Startgalerie - Vienna, AT
2018 (solo) Sonst fall’ ich um, Projectshowroom Kunstfabrik - Gross Siegharts, AT
2018 (solo) Bitte trag’ mich bis nach Hause, Diplomashow, PFERD - Vienna, AT
2016 (solo) No tricks, Hogeschool voor de kunste - Enschede, Netherlands
2015 (duo) KRINCKRGISZLR SHOW 2 persons 1 show (duo with Julia Geissler), SWDZ - Vienna, AT
2024 OÖ AIR, OK Offenes Kulturzentrum Linz, AT
2023 Über das Neue 3 (solo position), Belvedere 21, Vienna, AT
2023 Dunkelblau riecht salzig, gelb schmeckt bitte, KOMMOD, Vienna, AT
2023 Bijeljinale Vienna Design Week, Vienna, AT
2023 Tea Break, Bildraum 07, Vienna, AT
2023 Beč/Wien Bijeljina, Galerie Kuluturzentrum Bijeljina, BIH
2023 Under Pressure, curated by Stefanie Hintersteiner, ada - artistic dynamic assosiation, Vienna, AT
2022 Assembled Dimensions, curated by Veronika Rudorfer, Industriellen Vereinigung, Vienna, AT
2022 Geisterpop/ulation, curated by Barbara Horvath, Kunstverein Eisenstadt - AT
2022 Spinnerei Rundgang January, LIA, Leipzig, DE
2021 MADE BY DESIRE, 5th wrong biennale, Online Pavillon
2021 CHAMBRES D‘AMIS EX by - Vienna, AT
2021 Open Art Litfaßsäule, Summerstage curated by Thomas Draschan, Vienna, AT
2020 AVE#7 Magazin Release, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna, AT
2020 Zine Matters (Selfpublishing), Quatro Print, Vienna, AT
2020 Raumblenden / Shutters, curated by Walter Seidl, Galerie Rudolf Leeb, Vienna, AT
2019 ZOO 2, Parallel Vienna, Gomo at Parallel, Vienna, AT
2019 Parallel Vienna, Collaboration with Marie Reichel,
Klasse Brigitte Kowanz, University of applied Arts Vienna, AT
2019 Über das Neue, Belvedere 21, Group Show invited by PFERD, Vienna, AT
2017 documenta14 - Transpot, Collaboration with Anna Sophia Rußmann - Athens, Greece
2016 Perlimpinpin - Einlauf - Vienna, AT
2016 BMWFM - fac artem forma futura, Vienna, AT
2016 Artists as independent publishers - Bremen, Stockholm, London, Vienna
2015 Touch Wood, Austrian Embassy, Tokyo, Japan
2015 8 hours, Kunstfabrik Gross Siegharts, AT
Artothek des Bundes, BMKOES AT
Stadt Wien, MA7, AT
Kupferstichkabinett Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, AT
March Brooklyn Fine Art Print Fair with Viadukt Vienna, Powerhouse Arts Brooklyn, US
May Kunstverein Augsburg Duo Show with Julia Haugeneder, Augsburg, DE
May Artist Run Fair Brussels, Willie Willie with 1zwei3, Brussels, BE
2024 (duo) go to work on an egg (with Julia Haugeneder), Neue Galerie Graz Studio, AT
2023 (duo) As Soon As the Sun Sets (with Anna Raczynska), Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin, DE
2022 (solo) Enter Art Fair, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Copenhagen, DK
2022 (solo) Dunkelblau riecht salzig, gelb schmeckt bitter, curated by Steffi Parlow,
Restaurant Kommod - Vienna, AT
2021 (solo) I Have Learned the Answer Several Times, At the printing Table, Viadukt - Vienna, AT
2021 (solo) Only Time, tart.vienna, Galerie Elisabeth und Klaus Thoman - Vienna, AT
2019 (duo) Passing Through Sweet Dark Places (with Marie Reichel), MUSA Startgalerie - Vienna, AT
2018 (solo) Sonst fall’ ich um, Projectshowroom Kunstfabrik - Gross Siegharts, AT
2018 (solo) Bitte trag’ mich bis nach Hause, Diplomashow, PFERD - Vienna, AT
2016 (solo) No tricks, Hogeschool voor de kunste - Enschede, Netherlands
2015 (duo) KRINCKRGISZLR SHOW 2 persons 1 show (duo with Julia Geissler), SWDZ - Vienna, AT
2024 OÖ AIR, OK Offenes Kulturzentrum Linz, AT
2023 Über das Neue 3 (solo position), Belvedere 21, Vienna, AT
2023 Dunkelblau riecht salzig, gelb schmeckt bitte, KOMMOD, Vienna, AT
2023 Bijeljinale Vienna Design Week, Vienna, AT
2023 Tea Break, Bildraum 07, Vienna, AT
2023 Beč/Wien Bijeljina, Galerie Kuluturzentrum Bijeljina, BIH
2023 Under Pressure, curated by Stefanie Hintersteiner, ada - artistic dynamic assosiation, Vienna, AT
2022 Assembled Dimensions, curated by Veronika Rudorfer, Industriellen Vereinigung, Vienna, AT
2022 Geisterpop/ulation, curated by Barbara Horvath, Kunstverein Eisenstadt - AT
2022 Spinnerei Rundgang January, LIA, Leipzig, DE
2021 MADE BY DESIRE, 5th wrong biennale, Online Pavillon
2021 CHAMBRES D‘AMIS EX by - Vienna, AT
2021 Open Art Litfaßsäule, Summerstage curated by Thomas Draschan, Vienna, AT
2020 AVE#7 Magazin Release, Kunstraum SUPER, Vienna, AT
2020 Zine Matters (Selfpublishing), Quatro Print, Vienna, AT
2020 Raumblenden / Shutters, curated by Walter Seidl, Galerie Rudolf Leeb, Vienna, AT
2019 ZOO 2, Parallel Vienna, Gomo at Parallel, Vienna, AT
2019 Parallel Vienna, Collaboration with Marie Reichel,
Klasse Brigitte Kowanz, University of applied Arts Vienna, AT
2019 Über das Neue, Belvedere 21, Group Show invited by PFERD, Vienna, AT
2017 documenta14 - Transpot, Collaboration with Anna Sophia Rußmann - Athens, Greece
2016 Perlimpinpin - Einlauf - Vienna, AT
2016 BMWFM - fac artem forma futura, Vienna, AT
2016 Artists as independent publishers - Bremen, Stockholm, London, Vienna
2015 Touch Wood, Austrian Embassy, Tokyo, Japan
2015 8 hours, Kunstfabrik Gross Siegharts, AT
Artothek des Bundes, BMKOES AT
Stadt Wien, MA7, AT
Kupferstichkabinett Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, AT